Open to Work!!!

My Projects

full stack

Online Auction Portal

Revolutionize auctions with our ReactJS & NestJS-powered app. Leveraging microservices & Redis for seamless bidding & management. Experience innovation in real-time!

express js

Crime Prediction & Reporting Portal

Empowering citizens to report and track crimes nationwide. Our platform offers seamless crime registration and utilizes machine learning for predictive analysis. Access cluster maps and anticipate crime rates based on Indian Penal Code and Special & Local Laws

express js


Effortlessly generate custom question papers across subjects with topic-based selection. Set marks distribution and save papers for easy access.

full stack

Virtual Hospital Management System

Virtual Hospital Management System: Connect patients with preferred doctors seamlessly on one platform for efficient healthcare access.

express js

Blog Website

Discover and publish blogs effortlessly on our platform. Access previous posts and contribute your own content seamlessly.

express js

To-do list

Effortlessly manage tasks with our intuitive to-do list platform. Stay organized, track progress, and accomplish goals with ease.